Copyright 2018-2020
Built with Indexhibit

An EU-funded project which seeks to empower the cultural and creative sectors of Europe to grow in a sustainable way, inclusively and innovatively
Position: Mentor
visit here

2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Center for Social Vision Position: concept, management, mentor
visit here

03/2020 Lecture / workshop
At Slought, University of Pennsylvania, USA

11/2019 Collaborative Practices: Curatorial School 2019 Аt Swimming Pool, Sofia
Position: concept, program leader

09/2019 The School of Еxpressions At Plato Ostrava, Czech Republic
Position: tutor

2018-2019 Relay
Collaboration and exchange between art students from the Kunsthochschule Mainz and National Art Academy, Sofia
Position: concept (together with Adrian Williams), program leader

2018 Curating The Periphery At Sofia University, Sofia Position: course leader and tutor (together with Vladya Mihaylova) at MA Program “Art and Contemporaneity 20th/21st Century”

2018 Creating Spaces: Curatorial School 2018 Аt Swimming Pool, Sofia Position: concept, program leader